How to Write the Best About Page for Your Website
Write the Best About Page for the Best Impact
About us pages are a very overlooked resource for your marketing campaign, as well as your website. Not only do you finally have a chance to write a little bit about yourself, and not just what solutions your clients receive from you, but it’s also a place where you can build trust with your ideal clients and really capture them!
Have a boring about page, but your direct competitor has an attention grabbing one? If you’re comparable in most ways, why wouldn’t someone choose your competitor based simply off of their about page? I can definitely say that I have chosen a specific company simply because their about page was so great and inspiring. Your goal is to BE THE GREAT AND INSPIRING ONE so you can own your competitors and attract your ideal clients to you.
So let’s dig in!
#1: Tell your story!
This really is the fun part, and I recommend that you truly do have fun with it. Let your future clients know who you are, and let your personality shine. Writing from your heart, sharing your story and being who you are will help you write the best about page out there. You want your future clients to have an idea of who you are; the more they can understand who you are as a person, business owner, or company, the more likely they are to connect with you and then want to buy from you. Think of some about pages you’ve read in the past; did they put you to sleep or did they excite you enough to make you want to purchase their product or work with them? The latter is the ultimate goal.
#2: Be sincere
It’s important to show up as the sincere business owner you are. Your clients will be attracted to you even more so when they can feel that you really care about them, and that your ultimate hope and dream of your business is to provide them with the solution to their problem. List your credentials, too. This is a form of sincerity in my book and also shows authority in your industry. If you have some amazing credentials, sharing them with your future clients lets them know they’ll be in good hands. If you don’t have credentials specific to your industry, that’s ok too! Don’t talk about how you lack anything, talk yourself up! If it’s relevant, talk about how you have overcome a “lack” of something and how it’s become a win for you. This is extremely relatable.
I personally really love the top of our About Us page because I LOVE that picture of us and the random tidbits of us I threw in this section. As you scroll down, you’ll see I go into more of each of us and our backgrounds.
#3: Think about what your ideal client wants to know about you
So yes, you want to share important details about who you are, but you also want to sit down and think about what your clients WANTS to know about you. Do they care that you have 5 Master’s degrees in computer science? If you’re an IT company, absolutely, talk up all that smartness you have in your brain. At the same time, do they need to know that you first studied to be a family psychologist, then you thought about going to massage therapy school, and then you dabbled in some biology, only to eventually realize your passion was for computer science instead? Probably not. My point? Although you want to share about yourself, the best about pages think about their end-reader and what they truly want to hear and learn about you.
#4: Write appropriately for your industry
This goes along with your ideal client and voice work that I talk about below. You need to make sure that the information you’re providing and the way you portray it is appropriate for your industry. If you are a lawyer and own a firm, you may not want to have a really fun about page, you’ll likely want it to be a very professional about page. If you own a bounce house company, making it fun is much more appropriate for your ideal client.
#5: Share pictures of yourself and your business
Does your business go on company outings? Is your business family-owned? Is it made up of just you and how you’re rocking your solo entrepreneur self? Share pictures of it. I recommend 2-3 photos on this page. And in general, I do recommend that they be decent quality. Again, think of your ideal client and what pictures they want to see of you on your about page.
#6: Explain how you can help your clients
This is a great opportunity and place to share your mission statement or value statement. It’s also a great time to explain how you’re different from your competitors. Don’t go knocking them and saying bad things about them, but talk yourself up. Explain why you’re better, and why this future client is going to choose you (because they are after you rock this about page).
Here is a site that lists some pretty amazing examples. I tend to like blogspot’s posts and link to them quite often. The only thing I don’t love is that they’re writing these articles to people who have thousands of dollars to spend on a website, on marketing and on a creative team. Oftentimes, I find that I get so bogged down on how amazing these about page examples are that I get disheartened because I know I can’t make something like that because I don’t have the creativity for it, or the skills to design something so cool (Josh does have these skills though, so I utilize him often).
However, I do find the ideas in the examples helpful! What a lot of their thoughts come down to is each of those companies has a specific voice in mind, as well as a specific ideal client they’re trying to reach. They use their voice to tell their story well, and then they decide what to share on their about page to reach their ideal clients. I wish I could shout from the rooftop how important it truly is to do this work and to utilize it. Not only will it help you make the best about page and set you apart from your competitors, but it will also help you write the rest of the content on your website and social media so much better!